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Terms of Use & Disclaimer

This Terms of Use and Disclaimer govern the use of our website. Nothing in this website shall be deemed to be legal advice, and no attorney-client relationship is established by use of this website, or by contacting us through a website submission.  Please do not submit any confidential information through this website.


Terms of Use & Disclaimer

Terms of Use & Disclaimer

Materials and content available on this Website is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact your attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. A visit to our Website, or an inquiry from this site to one of our attorneys or staff members, does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and the law firm of Peterson Russell Kelly Livengood PLLC and it shall not prevent us from representing a different party in connection with the matter in question or a related matter.

Do not send us confidential information until you have spoken personally to one of our attorneys and have been directed about what information to provide. We cannot represent or advise you until we have confirmed that there are no conflicts of interest under ethical rules that govern our legal practice. Unsolicited information that you send to Peterson Russell Kelly Livengood PLLC will not be treated as confidential.

While we do implement several security measures, due to the unsecure nature of the internet, Peterson Russell Kelly Livengood PLLC, cannot guarantee that information transmitted in that fashion to us will not be intercepted and used by a third party. For your convenience a contact phone number is provided on each attorney’s profile page so that you can communicate confidentially and securely.

Links to Third-Party Information and Resources

The links provided on this site have been compiled and structured with business and legal professionals in mind, and to facilitate a variety of research needs. However, Peterson Russell Kelly Livengood PLLC has no control or responsibility over the content or services provided at those links. Peterson Russell Kelly Livengood PLLC does not implicitly endorse, recommend or approve the sites that are linked from or to our Website.

Practice Jurisdictions

Peterson Russell Kelly Livengood PLLC attorneys are licensed to practice law in the jurisdictions indicated on their individual profile pages.

Policy Amendments

This policy was created in January 2020. Peterson Russell Kelly Livengood PLLC reserves the right to change or amend this policy at any time. If a change or amendment is made, it will be posted to this Website location and replace the existing policy. Through continued use of this Website, you consent to any policy changes that are implemented.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this policy please email us at: [email protected].

Our Attorneys


Our Paralegals

Our Professional Staff

Tiah N. Branson Tiah N. Branson Firm Administrator [email protected] (425) 990-4034
Cloe Chin Cloe Chin Operations Coordinator [email protected] (425) 990-4030
Tim Dang Tim Dang Accounting Manager [email protected] (425) 990-4028
Medha Ganjam Medha Ganjam Front Desk / Admin Assistant [email protected] (425) 462-4700