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John J. White


Practice Emphasis

John J. White

About John

John White advises closely held companies and business owners in a variety of matters including partnership agreements, tax issues, succession planning and more. He also advises individuals and businesses on tax and collection issues, estate planning and probate matters.  John has extensive experience in campaign finance and election law. This includes advising clients on government regulations relating to political speeches and disclosure obligations.

Tax and Business Law

John White’s practice focuses on advising closely-held companies and their owners in business related transactions.  This includes partnership matters, contracts, federal and state tax issues, succession planning, and others. He also represents individuals and businesses in audits and administrative actions, relating to state and federal tax matters and collection efforts, and assists individuals with estate planning and probate matters.  For over 25 years John served as an Adjunct Professor in Golden Gate University, Braden School of Taxation.

Campaign Finance and Election Law

John has advised numerous regional and national clients on campaign finance matters, government regulation of political speech, and compliance with disclosure obligations.  He represents business and political clients before government agencies and the courts.

Appellate Representation

John co-chairs the  firm’s appellate practice.  He has argued before the U.S. and Washington Supreme Courts and intermediate appellate courts.


John and his wife enjoy hiking and recreational cycling.  They are also avid gardeners.  When not enjoying the beauty of the Pacific Northwest, they can be found reveling in their vegetable and flower gardens.

  • Represented several smaller to mid-sized companies providing goods and services including architectural and engineering firms, a local air carrier, automobile dealers, and healthcare providers on a variety of legal issues such as corporate formation, partnership and limited liability company agreements, employment contracts, financing, acquisitions, and asset sales.
  • Represented businesses and individuals before the IRS and state taxing authorities at all stages of the audit and collection process, and has achieved a successful resolution of tax disputes before the U.S. Tax Court.
  • Retained as local counsel for national organizations regarding Washington campaign finance and public disclosure law.
  • Represented individuals, businesses, political organizations and governmental bodies before federal and state appellate courts.  Successfully defended political organizations’ First Amendment rights to speak on public issues and recovered for them fees from government agency; successfully challenged agency campaign finance regulation for exceeding its authority; argued on behalf of Washington’s major political parties before U.S. Supreme Court in litigation over Washington’s primary election system.
  • Developed and implemented estate and succession plans for local businesses to pass active management to second and third generations in business.  Assisted numerous clients in minimizing estate tax burden as they provide for family after death.
  • Successfully defended $57 million verdict against Washington State for breach of contract with home health care workers.
  • Co-author: Washington’s New State Capital Gains Tax, PRKL Blog post (Dec 2021)
  • Author: “Citizens United Decision Affirms Free Speech Rights,” Washington Policy Center, April 2010
  • Chief Author: “General Tax Practice,” Washington Lawyer Practice Manual, 1989-2000
  • Presentation: “Top Nine Open Issues In Campaign Finance Law In Washington,” Lorman Educational Services, 2010
  • Presentation: “Expensive Lessons From The Valley Medical Levy Campaigns,” Lorman Educational Services, 2008
  • Golden Gate University, Tax Expert Lecture Series, 2014-2020

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Tiah N. Branson Tiah N. Branson Firm Administrator (425) 990-4034
Andy Cao Andy Cao Billing Specialist (425) 990-4049
Cloe Chin Cloe Chin Operations Coordinator (425) 990-4030
Tim Dang Tim Dang Accounting Manager (425) 990-4028