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Trademark & Copyrights

We work closely with clients to identify, maintain, monetize, and protect their intellectual property, including their product or company brands.

Registering and protecting our clients intellectual property.

Registering and protecting our clients intellectual property.

Our services include helping clients register and maintain trademarks and copyrights. We advise clients on all aspects of domestic and international trademark work, including counseling, clearing trademarks for use, registration, licensing and enforcement. We coordinate registration through our contacts with experienced agents and attorneys. We offer initial screening trademark searches, as well as more thorough research, tailored to the client’s specific needs, through outside research services.

Our Trademark and Copyrights Services

We serve clients by:

  • Providing state, federal and international trademark counseling, registration, renewal, and risk analysis;
  • Protecting copyrights, trademarks, trade names, and trade secrets;
  • Managing Internet domain name and Web site issues;
  • Providing counseling on unfair competition, false advertising and trade disparagement;
  • Preparing and negotiating licensing and business contracts to protect our client’s intellectual property;
  • Assisting our clients with due diligence reviews and negotiation of trademark and copyright provisions related to corporate transactions and financings.

Practice Team Leader – Gregory L. Russell

Practice Contacts

Our Attorneys


Our Paralegals

Our Professional Staff

Tiah N. Branson Tiah N. Branson Firm Administrator [email protected] (425) 990-4034
Andy Cao Andy Cao Billing Specialist [email protected] (425) 990-4049
Cloe Chin Cloe Chin Operations Coordinator [email protected] (425) 990-4030
Tim Dang Tim Dang Accounting Manager [email protected] (425) 990-4028