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Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the use of our website, including information that we collect from website visits and how we use information submitted to us.  If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact [email protected].

Privacy Policy Updates

Any privacy policy updates will be posted on this page.  By using our website, you agree to these terms and conditions.  You may wish to revisit our Privacy Policy on subsequent website visits, as the terms and conditions may change from your previous visits.

Information That We Collect

We collect information about website visits, including, without limitation:

  • User IP addresses
  • The origin of the traffic (whether from a search engine, paid traffic, social media site, or other website)
  • What pages are visited
  • What links are clicked
  • The paths of website visits
  • How long visits last
  • The browser and monitor size used for visits
  • User scrolling and mouse movements
  • Other information

We may also use embedded tracking coding (such as “pixels”) connected with third party marketing services and analytics, and we may also make use of other server-generated data about website visits.

None of this information is personally identifiable, and we do not seek to determine the identities of website users.

If you click on the “Pay Bill Online” link, you will be sent to a separate website of our payment processor who will collect various payment information from you. We do not control the website of our payment processor and we have no visibility or access to the payment information that you enter. The use of such information will be subject to the terms and conditions of our payment processor and you are advised to review such terms and conditions before entering your payment information.


We use cookies to improve user experience.  Cookies are small text files that websites store on a user’s computer to remember information about them and their browsing activity.  Cookies can do things like remember pages that you visit, which may change the color of text links, as an example.

We do not use cookies to track your activity after you leave our website.

You may disable cookies in your browser before or after visiting our website, and you may also reject or subsequently delete any cookies from our website.  For more information about how cookies work, please visit –

What We Do With Information Collected on Our Website

Analytics and Statistical Information

We use analytical and statistical information collected on our website for marketing purposes, and to improve the user experience on our website. This information is used internally at our firm, and may also be shared with external marketing and technical consultants and companies that work for us.

Third party companies – such as Google Analytics and our server company – will also collect information about website traffic and analytics matters, including (but not limited to) the information noted above.

We do not sell analytics and statistical information collected on our website.

Personal Information

Our website may allow the submission of personal information for various purposes, such as to contact us about our services, sign up for a webinar, or submit a job application.  Such information that relates solely to you – like your name, email address, phone number, and other information that you may provide to us – is referred to herein as “Personal Information.”

User-Submitted Personal Information

Please note that information submitted through the Internet is not secure.  We therefore cannot make any guarantees that information that you submit through our website or otherwise may not be intercepted by hackers either during transmission or after our receipt of the same.  We therefore urge caution before submitting any information, and recommend that you speak to one of our attorneys prior to submitting any information that you may regard as confidential.

We may include on our website the ability for users to submit Personal Information to us for various matters and purposes, which may include (but are not limited to):

  • Information that can be submitted through a contact form, such as to inquire about the services we provide
  • The use of our phone number (or other numbers) to send us text messages
  • Sign-ups for enewsletters
  • Registrations for events that we may offer (such as in-person events and webinars).

We use information submitted by website users for various purposes, including:

  • To respond to any contact form submissions
  • To respond to text messages
  • To subsequently send enewsletters to those signing up to receive the same
  • To register website users for events such as in-person events and webinars.

We may respond to user-submitted information using any contact information provided, such as by phone, email, or text message.

As noted in our Terms of Use & Disclaimer,

  • The submission of information does not establish an attorney-client relationship.
  • Confidential information should not be sent to us without first speaking with a firm attorney, and then only submitted as directed by the attorney.
  • The submission of information will not preclude us from representing another party or party, even regarding the same subject matter as mentioned in the submission.

Our Terms of Use & Disclaimer are incorporated herein in full by this reference.  We urge you to read in full our Terms of Use & Disclaimer.

Job Application Information

We may provide information about job openings at our firm, and invite interested individuals to contact us about firm employment opportunities.  As part of the job application process, we may utilize third-party companies to provide information about job openings, and to collect information from job applicants.

As part of this process, information collected from job applicants will be used solely in connection with employment considerations.  We may, for example, use information collected to learn more about a person, such as through a background check, to confirm an employment history, or to contact references provided.  We will not engage in any activities that require consent from an individual without first obtaining such consent.  We do not sell any information about job applicants.

Applicable Laws

Our processing of Personal Information, such as your name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, or cookie data will be undertaken consistent with the requirements of applicable privacy laws, including, but not limited to, the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), the California Privacy Rights Act (“CPRA”), the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), the UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”), and the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, we do not claim to comply with any laws not applicable to our firm or this website.

Scope of Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to any Personal Information we collect and any you provide to us as related to the following services:

  • Our websites including the contact forms on the website;
  • Our marketing, educational and event mailings activities; and
  • Our business contacts and communications.

Acceptance of Privacy Policy

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully as it affects your legal rights concerning the use of our website.

By accessing or using our website, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy and by our Terms of Use & Disclaimer and all matters set forth therein.  If you do not agree to these matters, you should not make any use of our website.

Our Privacy Policy Does Not Extend to the Use of Cookies or Tracking Tools by Third Parties

Our Privacy Policy does not cover the use of cookies and the collection and use of information by third parties.  We are also not responsible for third-party privacy practices. Please note that some third-party cookies may track your online activities even after you have left our website.

How We Share Personal Information

We may share or disclose Personal Information:

  • To firm attorneys and other professional advisors as part of our consideration of (or our representation of) you.
  • To legal and governmental authorities, pursuant to a subpoena or if we have a good-faith belief that the law requires disclosure.
  • To our technical, IT, and marketing partners so that they may perform their jobs.
  • As part of your participation in an event (such as a webinar) to those who may be assisting in such matters.
  • If we determine in good faith that disclosure of information provided by you is needed to: (1) comply with applicable law or professional regulations; (2) protect you or someone else; or (3) enforce the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Where Your Personal Information is Stored

Personal Information that we collect is stored on encrypted servers and computers located in the United States.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information

We do not have any specific time period for which we keep Personal Information.

Links to Third Party Websites

Our website may link to other websites. Such other websites are not governed by our Privacy Policy or Terms & Disclaimer.  Users should carefully review such policies and terms of other websites if they are concerned about the use, collection, or privacy matters.

Our Website is Not Targeted to Children Under the Age of 16

We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from children visiting our website, and if we do become aware that any information has been collected from children, we will delete it.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments or wish to exercise your rights as described in this Privacy Policy, please contact us at:

[email protected] or at 1.425.462.4700.

Our Attorneys


Our Paralegals

Our Professional Staff

Tiah N. Branson Tiah N. Branson Firm Administrator [email protected] (425) 990-4034
Andy Cao Andy Cao Billing Specialist [email protected] (425) 990-4049
Cloe Chin Cloe Chin Operations Coordinator [email protected] (425) 990-4030
Tim Dang Tim Dang Accounting Manager [email protected] (425) 990-4028
Medha Ganjam Medha Ganjam Front Desk / Admin Assistant [email protected] (425) 462-4700